Saturday 9 October 2010


she gets a 10/10 aswell!


Friday 8 October 2010


Onra - Long Distance

Just downloaded this EP. I give it 10/10



Thursday 7 October 2010


What are you thinking right now?
Im thinking about how i really badly need to be inked some more. I want two more portraits done on my arms and a lucky cat done on my leg before the year is out!!

What are you doing?

What are you listening to?
Total - kissing you

What do you wish for?
I wish to feel 100% happiness

What are you waiting for?
My brain to be tired so that i can sleep

What are you going to do tomorrow?
Dentist, xbox, work

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Possibly richer, definitely older

What is you're greatest fear?

What are you good at?
Drinking, sleeping, cunnilingus


My sister (aka snizz, snizzay and when i want a sandwich sisssssiyooooo) and I

By the time this was taken i had had near enough a whole bottle of vodka, she was sober and it was her 18th! My mouth looks mangled.. perhaps i was almost about to smile.. who knows. Whenever a camera is pointed at me i tense the fuck up.. exactly how i would if i were to drop the soap in a jail shower. I smile a lot in real life honest. Enough about me it was a great night!

NB less drinking = more pictures


"Never let people who have contributed so little to you control so much of you."


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Seriously? how can one woman be so sexy?! I'd still pick your sister though sorry Kim!





Whilst going through my post i found a rather lovely note and pin badge thingy bobby from Hannah
good job im not the sensitive type ey!

Also finally found a book that i've been after for a while entitled 'proud 2 be a sticker' 

some of my favorites being - 


Personality disorder?

In exactly one month to the day i will be 23 fucking years old! So it got me wondering when i'll actually grow up? I think that my main problem is that i make myself laugh too much. My sense of humour seems to spite me rather than enhance my personality - it most definitely does not make me a better person!). Today for instance one of my lecturers was discussing business model management - she stated that a particular type of analysis was originally called PEST which was then changed to PESTILE then to PESLIED and is now called STEEPLE. Now can someone please tell me why i was in actual tears of laughter after hearing this? bearing in mind that this was my first lecture and i didn’t know a single soul in the whole room. My situation wasn’t improved when she then played a video which had a rather fruity, milk bottle glasses wearing presenter from the 60's talking about engineering and its positive impacts upon society. I’m sure i’m still feeling the cramps in my belly. WHATS WRONG WITH ME??


Tuesday 5 October 2010

Did you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?

My feet NEED to be in them!


This is Andre and i last weekend, next weekend i WILL be more photogenic.

Conversational highlight of the night -
"Where the hell did he come from??? and..more importantly where the hell is he going???"
"Fuck that! Wheres his foot??"


Nothin' but pure beauty.



Has been the worst to be out and about doing things, thanks to the weather. My usual 10 minute journey to uni took over an hour and my meetings were tedious.

I've mostly listened to dmz and emancipator.

I wore topban chinos, my hare hoodie and a pair of vans.

My wish for the day would be that i got to spend one day in the life of my cat.


Monday 4 October 2010

*wolf whistles* god damn...



The worlds most uncomfortable bed


Sunday 3 October 2010


<a href="">Loop Language by TeV95</a>

The best 3 quid ive spent in long. You must cop!


hello universe
